How Can we Learn to Cope with Change?

Laurelle Rond
5 min readSep 24, 2021

We are all in the process of enormous change and change can be very difficult to cope with. It helps to remember that, as human beings, we have free will and therefore can choose our response.

Image by Gerd Altmann — Pixabay

But genuine choosing is surprisingly rare. Because our minds are 95% unconscious, we are governed by the patterns and beliefs that we have learned from a young age, and it is these that usually do the choosing for us. This means that our unconscious minds make choices that keep us in the past.

Unconscious patterns and beliefs blind us to the events around us which are causing change and sweep us along in whatever direction the waves of change decide to take us. This is how wars and revolutions start. We are not conscious enough to see them coming and all too easily become prisoners who have lost any chance to choose.

Image by Gerd Altmann — Pixabay

To be conscious enough, we need to be in the present moment, and this means that we need to learn how to control our emotions. Emotions can be generalised into two types: those that disempower us and those that empower us. Low vibrating emotions like shame, guilt, fear, and anger bring us down, keep us unconscious and in the past…

Image by John Hain — Pixabay

Whereas higher vibrating emotions like happiness, joy, love, compassion, and kindness, enable us to become more conscious and live in the present…

Image by John Hain — Pixabay

Because emotions are at our very core, it is into this core that we must travel if we are to reclaim our ability to make real choice.

So let’s go back to the beginning of time…

Once upon a dream, every-thing simply was. There was no-thing, no-one and no-where. No form or light, only darkness and void. No thought, no doing, only being and spirit. No light and no sound. Only Being. Only Spirit…

Image by Jakub Sofranco — Unsplash

Eventually, Beingness decided that it wanted to know itself. So it divided into two so that it could have a relationship with itself. Collecting itself together in a huge in-breath, Spirit breathed out.

Image by WikiImages — Pixabay

The sound this made caused a rapidly expanding balloon of energy to be flung outwards in a colossal movement, making friction, heat and fire…

Image by WikiImages — Pixabay

…boiling energy and sound in a giant, universal cauldron until fire joined with Spirit to create light, matter, gravity and galaxies…

Arnaud Mariat on Unsplash

Galaxies divided into suns, suns developed their own solar systems, and solar systems become collectors of planets…

Image by Comfreak — Pixabay

… until air and water were created and, with all elements in place — Spirit, Fire, Air, and Water — Earth was born…

Image by Gerd Altmann — Pixabay

Rain began to fall onto Earth’s body, cooling her skin to a thin crust. When the rain didn’t stop, the giant outpouring created seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, streams and ponds and puddles…

Image by Nasa — Unsplash

While up in the sky, an arc appeared like a bridge between heaven and earth: a doorway into another world: a gift of colour from the skies…

Image by Роман Бойцов — Pixabay

And so the dream turns into reality deep in the core of us. We are all joined together in a colossal ocean of being and it is from this ocean that we each emerge as a tiny raindrop, with a separate skin and yet part of the whole.

Image by Michael Ross — Pixabay

We are all of this, or the outside is a giant reflection of us on the inside: spirit and matter, the same and individual, deep as an ocean and yet also with a crusty surface. Light is in our hearts, minds and bodies, just as shadow is in our hearts, minds and bodies. We are creation. We are all. We are nothing.

So, safe in this fathomless experience, float gently back to the surface and, in your own time, take three deep breaths to ground yourself back into the present.

Image by Stefan Keller — Pixabay

I hope you have enjoyed this pictorial journey-meditation. I will be a starting a new course of spoken and sung meditation journeys in January 2022 on Monday evenings at 7.15pm GMT via Zoom. These can be experienced at the time, or I will send you a recording that you can listen to in your own time. Do email me at if you would like details.

Meanwhile, enjoy journeying back to the centre of yourself. If you travel deeply enough, you will find an entire universe there just waiting to be discovered…

Image by Alemko Coksa — Pixabay



Laurelle Rond

Laurelle is a musician, singer, writer and sound therapist. She also works with the voice and runs self-development workshops.